Paying For Our Services

Nebraska Nursing Consultants charges an hourly rate which varies by service option selected. Higher rates apply to visits and calls made outside standard business hours and on holidays.

NNC services are usually paid for privately. However, some long-term care insurance polices do reimburse for care-management service.

Some people include payments for our services as itemized health care deductions on their income taxes. We suggest that you consult your tax advisor.

Sadly NNC services—categorized as health maintenance and preventive care—are not covered by Medicare or Medicare Supplemental Insurance. Both Medicare and Medicare Supplemental Insurance only cover acute care services.

Sometimes our service is given as a birthday or holiday present. We don’t come gift-wrapped but we do come promptly!

Fees are available on request. or 402-473-3832

Veterans Aid and Attendance Benefit.

Often clients who are Veterans or the spouse of a Vet, have applied for the Veterans Aid and Attendance benefit to pay for Nebraska Nursing Consultants services.

This little known benefit is unique because it is available not only for vets but also for their spouse or surviving spouse. It can amount to over $2,000/month.

Vet must have served in war time. The Vet and/or spouse must need assistance with activities of daily living. There is a financial qualification.

The link below is an incomplete description of the benefit. It is best to call the Veterans Service Center in the area where the Vet or spouse lives.

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